Simplified file input for CBRAIN projects. Attempts to use as much information as possible from the directory structure and internal CBRAIN config files to find and read the correct CIVET results for CIVET 2.0.0 and 2.1.0

civet.readCBRAIN(path, prefix, subjects = NULL, atlas = "AAL",
  civetVersion = "2.1.0", readFiles = TRUE, readQC = TRUE,
  flatten = TRUE, QCDir = "QC")



Path to the civet project


The prefix used to create the subject names


A character vector specifying which subjects to read in. If not specified, All files within path that don't match QC, scripts, stats, or analysis will be read in.


Either AAL (default), DKT, or a path to the specific atlas used


the version of CIVET used, either 2.1.0 (default) or 2.0.0


logical whether or not to read the files into R or just generate the file names


logical whether to read and merge the QC results (must be used with flatten)


logical whether to convert the CIVET results into a dplyr compatible data frame or leave it in the legacy format


The directory, or vector of directories of where to find QC tables


A data.frame in the format of civet.getAllFilenames if readFiles is FALSE. A data.frame in the format of civet.readAllCivetFiles if readFiles is TRUE and flatten is FALSE. And a data.frame in the format of civet.flattenForDplyr if readQC, readFiles, and flatten are all TRUE (default)

See also