Find extrema of set of values given a connectivity graph

vertexFindPeaks(data_map, graph, mindist = 1, direction = c("both",
  "positive", "negative"), threshold = 0, output = c("mask", "indices"))



A vector or text file of values to search for peaks


An igraph object describing the connectivity, in most cases this will be a mesh graph produced by obj_to_graph


the search radius (in number of neighbours) to consider when finding a peak. A node is considered a peak if it is more extreme than any element in it's neighbourhood up to mindist edges away


Either positive, negative, or both indicating whether to consider maxima, minima or both.


threshold above or below which to consider peaks. In the both direction case a two element vector may be passed indicating positive and negative thresholds respectively. If a single element is passed in the both direction case, it is treated as c(threshold, -threshold). Defaults to 0.


Either mask or indices, indicating whether a logical mask or a vector of indices is desired.


Either a logical vector indicating peaks or a vector of peak indices determined by output


Note that if coordinates of peaks are desired, they can be accessed from the parent bic_obj by obj$vertex_matrix[,peaks]