Take the results of anatGetAll and summarize a grouping label, typically the structures group in the anatomical hierarchy.

anatSummarize(anat, summarize_by = "hierarchy",
  defs = getOption("RMINC_LABEL_DEFINITIONS"), discard_missing = FALSE)



The results of a call to anatGetAll


either a data frame with grouping information or a path to label definitions. If a data frame is passed it must have two columns: "label" containing the structure name (see colnames(anat) to check the relevant labels) and "grouping" containg the name of the group each structure belongs to.


A text file containing the label definitions if summarize_by is a string


logical controlling how to handle structures with no ("") group information. If TRUE filter these structures, if FALSE give each structure a group label to match their structure name.


A matrix with columns representing groups from the hierarchy and rows representing individuals with values equal to the sum of the individual members of each group.