Plot a given slice through a MINC volume and superimpose statistics on the slice.
mincPlotAnatAndStatsSlice(anatomy, statistics, slice = NULL, dimension = 2, low = min(statistics, na.rm = TRUE), high = max(statistics, na.rm = TRUE), anatLow = min(anatomy, na.rm = TRUE), anatHigh = max(anatomy, na.rm = TRUE), symmetric = FALSE, col = NULL, rcol = NULL, legend = NULL, acol = gray.colors(255, start = 0), legendTextColour = "black")
anatomy | A minc array of the anatomy volume to plot |
statistics | optional statistics or label file to overlay on anatomy slices |
slice | the voxel index of the slice of interest |
dimension | integer denoting which dimension to slice across |
low | the minimum statistic to plot |
high | the maximum statistic to plot |
anatLow | the minimum anatomy intensity to plot |
anatHigh | the maximum antomy intensity to plot |
symmetric | whether the statistics are symmetric (such as for t-statistics) |
col | colours for statistics |
rcol | colours for negative statistics if using a symmetric statistic |
legend | an optional string to name the legend, indicating desire for a legend |
acol | colours to use for the anatomy |
legendTextColour | an optional description of the text colour for the legend (or not) |
invisible NULL