Highlights From APPNING and ISMRM 2018
Jacob’s Highlights I recently attended the Workshop on Animal Population Imaging (APPNING 2018) held after the ISMRM conference in Paris. It was a well run workshop highlighting the benefits and troubles with large scale animal population imaging (https://appning2018.sciencesconf.org/).
Several Highlights from the workshop:
Quantitative Connectomic Histology Presented by GA Johnson from Duke University
Used Diffusion Tensor Imaging to assess how the brain was connected in the mouse. Attempt to determine the structural connectivity of mouse brain and compare with the tracer studies performed at the Allen Brain Institute Tractograms currently have more invalid than valid bundles, and therefore they are attempting to be as accurate as possible Goal was to push the technology as hard as possible to get the best resolution and images possible First scan that pushed the boundaries was a 120 direction DTI scan with b-values up to 4000 s/mm2.