Plot the left and right hemispheres of brain colourized by two colour maps with a colour bar in the middle

obj_montage(left_obj, right_obj, left_map, right_map, output = NULL,
  colour_map, colour_range = NULL, colour_default = "grey",
  colour_bar = TRUE, labels = FALSE, palette = heat.colors(255),
  symmetric = FALSE, ..., plot_corners = c(100, 100, 900, 900), zoom = 1,
  add_normals = TRUE, colour_title = "", close_on_output = TRUE)



A bic_obj probably created by read_obj with the left hemisphere of a subject's brain


A bic_obj probably created by read_obj with the right hemisphere of a subject's brain


a colour map to apply to the left hemisphere see colour_mesh for details


a colour map to apply to the right hemisphere see colour_mesh for details


Either NULL or a file path to write the snapshot.


either a vector with a label/measure/statistic for every vertex or a character file path pointing to a file with such a vector in a rowwise format.


a two element numeric vector indicating the min and max values of allowable labels/measures/statistics to be includedon the surface


The colour given to vertices excluded by colour_range


Whether or not to draw a colour bar in the figure


Whether or not the colour_map is a set of discrete labels


A palette, AKA look-up-table, providing a linear colour scale for the colours in colour_map


Whether to have a positive and negative colour scale (not yet implemented)


additonal parameters to be passed to create_mesh


The coordinates in pixels for the top left and bottom right corners of the the rgl device. c(lx, ly, rx, ry)


A zoom factor to apply to each subplot. This is the inverse of what you might expect for consistency with rgl. zoom > 1 zooms out, zoom < zooms in.


Whether or not to add normals to the surface objects, see create_mesh for details


legend title for the colour bar if requested


Whether or not to close the output after taking a snapshot, defaults to TRUE


The subscenes invisibly.


This function is designed to do a simple 6 angle plot for statistic maps of the left and right hemispheres of subject's brain. It defaults to leaving the rgl device open so that you can take a snapshot after tweaking the angles, or changing the colour bar with add_colour_bar. Its other mode is to take a snapshot after it has finished adding the 3d objects to the scene, in this mode, whether or not to keep the window open can be configured with close_on_output.